Madden 17 Redemption Set Guide

MaddenStore Date: Oct/28/16 14:37:04 Views: 2326

Redemption is one of MUT's exclusive Sets and contains 17 Sub-Sets that require MUT Tips or Loyalty Badges. 


MUT Tips are Collectibles that you get from a variety of Packs , typically one at a time, and their only use is in these Sets. Loyalty Badges act as rewards for loyal Madden players. The more you play Ultimate Team and online, the more Loyalty Rewards you are likely to receive. Again, only use of these badges is in these Sets.

Below are the different Sub-Sets:


  1. Silver Most Feared (Expires October 31st)
  2. Gold Most Feared (Expires October 31st)
  3. Pro Pack
  4. All-Pro Pack
  5. Award Winners
  6. Sets 101
  7. Loyalty: Contract Pack
  8. Loyalty: Silver Pack (Offense)
  9. Loyalty: Sliver Pack (Defense)
  10. Loyalty: Event Tickets
  11. Loyalty: Pro Pack
  12. Loyalty: Gold Pack (Offense)
  13. Loyalty: Gold Pack (Defense)
  14. Loyalty: All-Pro Pack
  15. Loyalty: Elite Pack (Offense)
  16. Loyalty: Elite Pack (Defense)
  17. Loyalty: Legends Pack


This is not a Set that you should necessarily focus on, more a Set that you slowly complete in the background as you play.


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