Madden NFL 19 Ultimate Team Has Some Exciting Things To Share

MaddenStore Date: Jun/02/18 15:52:52 Views: 3237
Recently, we have been updating many details about Madden 19, now, Madden Ultimate Team has some exciting things to share so let's jump right in. Bear in mind that when you are waiting for madden 19 to arrive, you can pick out some cheap Madden 19 coins on our website.
Player Upgrades
The design that drove the most amount of feedback in MUT 18 was unquestionably Power Up Players. It allowed you to have the most powerful version of a player, but it came with some limitations that EA could not handle without additional development. EA definitely heard and understood the feedback and invested in building support for Power Up Players with Player Upgrades in MUT 19.
EA added to upgrading players - removing the need to go to Sets. Wouldn't it be easier if you could just upgrade players from the item itself instead of getting lost in one of the hundreds of Set paths? Yup, now when you click on a player, the first thing you will see on the back is an option to Upgrade. If that player has an Upgrade option, you will be launched into the new Player Upgrades UI.
As you can see in the image above, you now have full access and visibility into all the upgrade options that player has. Also note that some Tiers require Training while others require a specific item. Navigating through the different tiers will also show you what that player's new ratings will be every step of the way.
The big difference in MUT 19 is that you will be able to downgrade and go backwards on players that you want to get out of. By doing so, you will also be refunded a portion of what you've invested in that player. 
It's worth noting that not all players will have the same Chemistry options, especially when it comes to Chemistry Abilities. Players will need to be at a certain OVR or have a specific attribute at a certain rating threshold in order to have that Ability appear in the bank of Chemistry choices. 
Solo Battles
Solo Battles brings the competitive feel of Weekend League to players who are more comfortable taking on the CPU. There will be 13 games per week, and in each game you will try to earn the highest Battle Score. Battle Score is earned from completing a Solo Battle game, winning a Solo Battle game, and the stats you accumulate in that game. There's one additional factor for determining how many Battle Points you can earn and that's by choosing your modifier. The modifier is a combination of difficulty and game style. The higher the difficulty, the higher the multiplier.
Solo Battle games are full game challenges vs. the CPU. The quarter length is set to three minutes and you will have only one chance to record the best possible results. There is no restarting or replaying a Solo Battles game like you can in a traditional Solo Challenge.
Each week your goal will be pretty straightforward - earn as many Battle Points as possible. The reward structure for Solo Battles will look fairly similar to Weekend League. There are 14 different reward tiers, which includes players who are in the Top 100. EA are not quite ready to detail the exact rewards for launch, but EA plan on sharing those details when EA get closer to that date.
There's one more really unique aspect to Solo Battles worth mentioning. While you are playing against the CPU, the roster will be comprised of real-life MUT teams. That means if you are participating in MUT, you are potentially eligible to have your team chosen and represented in Solo Battles. 
Squads Challenges
MUT Squads returns in Madden 19 and, new this year, EA have added the ability to play games against the CPU. You and two of your friends can team up to take on challenges that will be a mix of various difficulties, playstyles, and even weather. EA will produce weekly challenges and plan on continuously updating that throughout the year.
While there are only a few new Squads Challenges each week, you will be able to replay them over and over for a consistent coin reward. In addition, there will be a sizable first-win reward and an extra incentive to beat each of these challenges at least once every week.
Also, Squads Challenges serves as a pseudo practice environment for Squads that just want to get some extra reps in before taking on the competition. And regardless of how you want to engage with Squads Challenges, there's no doubt that EA will be offering up some unique challenges that will put you and your team to the test.
What Else?
In addition to the three major features EA have built, there are a few other important things worth touching on. A good place to start is an addition that all of Madden will benefit from and that's the inclusion of seven new specialist positions. In the lineup screen you will see some new options (in addition to 3rd Down Half Back) that will help you get the players you want in the right position on the field in specific formations.
There are now 25 slots on offense and 25 more on defense that count towards Chemistry. As long as you are playing someone in their natural position, they will be contributing to your team even if they never see the field. This does mean that Tiers of Chemistry will take more players to activate in order to balance out having so many more Chemistry slots than in year's past.