Madden NFL 16 Memorial Day Program Overview

MaddenStore Date: Jun/02/16 03:16:44 Views: 1829

At this time, the team at Muthead would like to take a moment to thank and remember those individuals that have given their lives by serving in our country's armed forces. Without their sacrifice, we would not be able to enjoy the freedoms we have today.




As many of you know, Memorial Day content went live in Madden Ultimate Team this past Friday. Here is everything you need to know to get the most out of the new program:




On Friday 5/27, EA released a total of 15 elite Memorial Day player items based on NFL players with ties to the military or are actively giving back to the military community. The theme is "Bigger than Football", and Memorial Day player items will morph to a height of 7'6" from Memorial Day through June 1st. Here's a full list of the Memorial Day players:


  • Larry Fitzgerald
  • Malik Jackson
  • Vincent Jackson
  • Alejandro Villanueva
  • DeMarcus Ware
  • Drew Brees
  • Brian Cushing
  • Michael Griffin
  • Charles Tillman
  • Zach Ertz
  • Steven Jackson
  • Joe Staley
  • Kenny Britt
  • Evan Dietrich-Smith
  • Randy Starke


In case you were wondering why these players have a Salary Cap value of 999, it prevents them from being used in the Salary Cap Ranked Beta while they are morphed. After the morph is over, they will all receive standard Salary Cap values based on their ratings and position.


Bigger Than Football Set

The new Memorial Day set in the Redemption section requires a total of 25 Memorial Day badges and rewards you with one of the Memorial Day players listed above. You can find Memorial Day badges in packs and from the Bigger Than Football solo challenge sequence.


Bigger Than Football Solo Challenges

There are a total of 16 new moments-style solo challenges in the Weekly section tied to Memorial Day content. Completing the sequence will unlock coins, Memorial Day badges, and a no auction/trade version of one of the Memorial Day players listed above. These solo challenges expire on Thursday 6/2.