Madden 16: Strategy For Developing Tebow

MaddenStore Date: Dec/30/15 10:12:15 Views: 2399

Tebow is one of my all time favorite college players and I'm excited he's back in Madden. I've been playing Madden16 for Xmas.

madden 16


Anyways, he's absolutely awful at passing. It seems like they tweaked the way players develop a little in madden 16 from last year so I'm just looking for any advice you guys who have been playing this game the whole time may have.


I've played 2 preseason games with him so far and I'd guess he completes about 30% of his passes (I'm only doing quick passes because he has like 55 long passing) but he's quite good at taking off on the ground. Will I get an equal amount of xp for a rushing TD as a passing TD? I know in 15, rushing stuff was largely irrelevant for QBs but is the new system any different this year?


Just rush, check his rushing goals in the season goals tab of the personal screen and rush. He should be able to complete some short passes of course for some td's. Just try and reach his season goals as they tend to give loads of xp which you can use to develop his stats.


I developed Tebow up to about 91 overall after a season and a half. I never had that severe of a problem with accuracy. Just do drag routes, in, out, levels passing really. Avoid precision passing with him until you get his stats up. Also, Tebow is 'Slow' development. Do all of your game prep on him. Spot Passing is the easiest to do. If you're serious about making him your starter you'll want to get him up to at least 'Quick' dev.